Meeting Nutritional Needs During Pregnancy: The Role of Prenatal Vitamins

During pregnancy, the body of a pregnant woman undergoes remarkable changes to support the growth and development of a baby. Proper nutrition is essential during this period to ensure the health and well-being of the mother and the developing foetus. Also, for a well-balanced diet, multivitamin capsules for women play a crucial role in meeting the increased nutritional demands of pregnancy.

Nutrients Required During Pregnancy

The nutritional needs of pregnant women are unique and require a thoughtful approach. The following essential nutrients require extra attention during pregnancy:

1. Folic Acid:

Folic acid is crucial in the early stages of pregnancy as it helps prevent neural tube defects in the developing foetus. Leafy green vegetables, citrus fruits, fortified cereals, and legumes are among the great sources of folic acid.

2. Calcium:

Calcium plays a role in the development of the baby’s teeth, and it also assists in maintaining the mother’s bone health, especially during the added demands of pregnancy. Foods rich in calcium include dairy products, fortified plant-based milk, and leafy greens.

3. Iron:

Iron is required to produce extra blood to supply oxygen to the baby. An adequate intake helps prevent anaemia in both the mother and the baby. Iron can be found in good amounts in meats, poultry (chicken, eggs), fish, beans, and fortified cereals.

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